If you are a big time Marvel fan or just want to raise a real time Marvel site, ReadMarvel a free laravel script is the best choice to help you build a marvel clone site. ReadMarvel is created by a fan and exclusively built on laravel 5. The whole data is provided by Marvel’s free public API.

You can easily setup Marvel comic books site in minutes. This script pulls marvel comic series, characters, rating, period and more. You can also search comic books and characters easily. ReadMarvel also provides login and signup. It has builtin reCaptcha support on signup to fight with bots.

You can easily setup Marvel comic books site in minutes. This script pulls in marvel comic series, characters, rating, period and more. You can also search comic books and characters easily.

Requirements for installing ReadMarvel Laravel Script

  • Nginx
  • MySQL
  • Redis server
  • Composer
  • Marvel Developer account
  • Mailgun account (or your favourite e-mail service)
  • Google ReCaptcha account
  • (optional) Google Analytics account (if you are going to use GA)
  • (optional) PhantomJS (for running the Codeception tests)